Friday, September 17, 2010

Muscle Building Questions - What Supplements Should I Take to Build Muscle?

Muscle Building Questions - What Supplements Should I Take to Build Muscle?

Muscle building supplements are there for one reason - to aid you in building muscle, to give you added performance and make you get the most out of your weight training.
The supplement market is big, very big, and a lot of what you see out there is pretty much useless. There are countless supplements that will promise you amazing results but will simply not deliver. If you want to build maximum muscle and strength then there are only three supplements you should be concerned with.
Creatine - When you're working out your body uses creatine to supply your muscles with energy, it is a naturally occurring substance found in all of us. The reason that you can't do any more reps on an intense set is because your body has temporarily depleted its creatine stores.
You can probably guess then that buying creatine and taking it as a supplement will provide your body with extra supplies when it needs it most. With higher levels of creatine in your body you will be able to push out those extra reps that you wouldn't normally be able to do.
After a few weeks of taking creatine you should notice good size and strength gains, because of this creatine is a very popular supplement for weight lifters and athletes. You should take creatine directly after your workouts but also ensure your taking it on your off days as well.
Protein Powder - Your body needs protein to grow. It provides your body with the building blocks to add new muscle. You will soon find that ingesting lots of protein day in and day out can get quite tricky when you're trying to get it from meat, fish and dairy. This is where protein powder comes in!
Protein powder is simply protein derived from whey in most cases. It will not magically make you pack on lots of muscle overnight but it is great for getting a lot of protein in an easy meal. You can create a protein shake out of protein powder oats and milk and within minutes you have ingested 30 - 50 grams of protein and five hundred or more calories.
This is why many people use protein powder, for the sheer convenience. Protein shakes are great for after workouts as you don't have to worry about preparing a protein rich meal.
Xtreme NO - If you are serious about your muscle building efforts then Xtreme NO should definitely be part of your supplement inventory. Essentially Xtreme NO is a mix of amino acids that work to increase the levels of naturally occurring Nitric oxides in the body. When you take Xtreme NO you are fueling your muscles with extra oxygen that will allow you to lift heavier weights for more reps.
By lifting heavier and for longer your muscles will be stimulated more than usual and this will result in much better muscle growth. Not only that but Xtreme NO increases muscularity even outside of your workouts, due to your body being fueled with the extra oxygen, your muscles will have that 'pumped' look and feel all throughout the day.
Check out my full review of Xtreme NO and see the before and after pictures of one of my clients who did a four week trial of it! This and more at my best way to build muscle blog.
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