Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Best Muscle Building Supplement - This Will Shock You

The Best Muscle Building Supplement - This Will Shock You

What's the best muscle building supplement? If you've read any of my other articles you know I'm not a huge advocate of these products.
Why not?
Simply because they don't make much of a difference. Not to mention--most of them come from unnatural sources and are actually detrimentalto your health.
So I shouldn't get any supplements?
Not necessarily -they have their place-but ONLY once you have a good workout program and diet plan in place. They should be the LAST thing you think about.
How much difference do they make?
Not much-5% at best.
What about protein?
Again, protein is best achieved through "whole foods". But if you are going to use a muscle building supplement, make sure it comes from a whole food source AND is 100% natural.
There's nothing wrong with getting nutrition this way-it just should be in addition to your current diet-NOT in place of it.
So what's the best way to workout?
Keep your sets short and intense-this is the only way to gain strength and muscle. The reason it works is that (1) it targets your type 2 fibers and (2) it stimulates your hormones.
And the more hormones that are stimulated, the more ripped you will get.
But don't forget nutrition...
In general the best recovery foods are high water content foods because they are easily absorbed and don't require a lot of energy.
When you burden your body with digesting hard to consume foods after the workout, it just means the body will have less energy to devote to the recovery process.
So what's the best muscle building supplement? In reality, it's just eating healthier and doing intense workouts.
Tired of exercises that don't work? Discover the scientific way to gain 20 pounds of rock hard muscle WITHOUT drugs or supplements by visiting
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